Best In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Piano Instructors, Voice Instructors, Flute Instructors, Music Instructors, Piano Lessons, Voice Lessons, Flute Lessons, and Music Lessons Instruction
Elite Music Academy of the Arts - The Best In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Professional Music Coaches and Music Coaching School Nationwide and Abroad
The Best In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Ultimate Quality Piano, Keyboard, Voice, Singing, Flute, Musical Theatre, Music Theory, and Music Instructors and Instruction
The Best In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Professional Quality Instruction - Private, Complete, One-On-One In-Studio, Online via Skype, and In-Home Lessons
The Absolute Best, Highest Rated, Highest Regarded, Most Awarded, And Most Prestigious In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Music Academy
The Best Award-Winning In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Instructors, Lessons, Features, Conveniences, Benefits, and Services
Take Off On Your Exciting In-Studio, Online, or In-Home Musical Journey, and Become the Best Musician/Performer Ever
Elite Music Academy of the Arts
In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Music Lessons
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Laramie, Wyoming
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Wellington, Florida
Fort Collins, Colorado
Billings, Montana
Boise, Idaho
Serving all of the USA, and Abroad
(307) 460-2300 & (561) 351-8792
Elite Music Academy
of the Arts
The Best Quality In-Studio, Online, and In-Home Music Lessons
Help your child get a jumpstart in life!
Offered to children of ages 3 1/2 to 5 with good attention span
Dear Parents and Grandparents,
Our masterful expert music instructors have created this in-studio, online, and in-home music program with the goal to introduce very young children to music. Our top professional grade music instructors inspire children to love music and enjoy musical activities.
These are fun-filled 30 minute in-studio, online, and in-home music lessons dedicated to recognizing sounds, working on rhythm, practicing singing, musical activities, as well as learning musical notes with exciting songs.
In these in-studio, online, and in-home lessons, pre-piano teaching becomes an amazing adventure for your child!
During these in-studio, online, and in-home lessons, our music instruction masters join the child's world in a playful exploration of music and all of it's aspects, looking to develop a solid foundation of aural perception, rhythm, physical coordination, recognition of sounds, and musical enjoyment.
These activities bring long-term benefits to learning in the future years to come.
Musical interest and enjoyment are cultivated - Natural talent and skills display, and develop, while our music instruction experts awaken your child's love of music, giving him/her a strong foundation for the study of music in the upcoming years.
Elite Music Academy of the Arts
Copyright 2025 Elite Music Academy of the Arts © All rights reserved
For decades, our services have helped our students become masterful musicians and get them into the most prestigious, top-rated schools such as The Juilliard School, Bak School of the Arts, and Dreyfoos School of the Arts.
We help children and young adults get into the most prestigious schools, and receive amazing scholarships as well.
Music lessons are a necessity for children and young adults looking to get into the most prestigious schools, high schools, colleges, and universities, nationwide and abroad. It can even help them get incredible scholarships.
The most prestigious schools, high schools, colleges, and universities will ask your child if he/she knows how to play an instrument masterfully well.
Do not put your child at a disadvantage.
Our best quality in-studio, online, and in-home music lessons will help your child have a major advantage over others when trying to get into a prestigious school, high school, college, or university, as well as when trying to receive incredible scholarships.
Give your child a more successful life and career with the help of our top-quality in-studio, online, and in-home music lessons, and in-studio, online, and in-home music instruction provided by our masterful expert music instructors.
Note: Please go to the "First Payment (For New Students)" page, to learn how to prepay your lessons.
Please refer to the "Contract/Policy" page for payment and attendance information.
We also offer in-studio, online, and in-home programs to toddlers (ages 2 - 3 1/2).
During these in-studio, online, and in-home lessons, your little one will have fun and enjoy learning about various aspects of music and developing his/her musical senses.
Please inquire by phone, for additional information.
Please feel free to call us at any time (business hours are displayed at the bottom of every page and on the "Our Contact Information" page).
If you have any questions, our professional assistants will be happy to assist you.
We look forward to working with you and your child, and starting their exciting musical journey soon!
Pre-School Programs